Suggester & Unsuggester I put in "Beach Music" by Pat Conroy (one of my all time favorite books) and for one of the suggestions Library Thing came up with "Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood". I thought that was so interesting--perhaps the southern connection? I have read that book and enjoyed it. I tried "Beach Music" for the Unsuggester, too. How fun! Library Thing came up with a TON of mathematics related books and yes, there was not a one that I think I would ever pick up! Okay, then I tried a new idea. I typed in a book I DIDN'T like into the Unsuggester and found lots of books that I have read or would like to read. Hmmm...
I had TOO much fun with the Dummies exercise! My first attempt was for my staff (ha ha) and my second attempt was for family & friends (ho ho). Can you tell which is which?! I envision lots of uses for this!
I have been meaning to post a picture of Mark from a gig he played on October 20 so here he is in all his rock and roll glory (he is the honey w/o the hat)! How is it going for you?