WLA Conference Committee 2009

WLA Conference Committee 2009
Reclaiming the Magic!


What have you done for library fun lately?!

Monday, October 22, 2007

The trees changed color when I wasn't looking!

Originally uploaded by elizabeth.timmins
I was at the conference for a week, but any runs home were at night. Suddenly, this past Saturday, I realized that the trees on my road had changed color and they looked spectacular!

Okay, I figured out to connect with Flickr and it's cool! I see lots of ways that it would be fun to utilize both a blog and Flickr for library promotion and interaction with patrons. I just got a call from the Green Bay Press Gazette and they are doing an article about our wine event. They wanted some pictures (which I eventually found on my computer) but wouldn't it have been cool if I had an organized group of Friends' pictures & their activities on Flickr? I think I see all the possibilities of getting better organized! Also, if others are familiar with the tool all the better. I know of an Elderhostel tour which encouraged their participants to post to Flickr and see each others' photos--I was helping a patron access her fellow travelers' pictures. Cool! The only downside is that Flickr requires a yahoo account. I have to remind myself to check that account in order to keep it valid. I am excited to try all of the other snazzy tools that were mentioned in this week's lesson, in days to come. I like the idea of tagging a lot--it seems natural for a librarian! I also like the idea of communities being formed in Flickr--e.g. librarian communities--we need to support one another & network to make positive changes for our profession.

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